Thursday 26 July 2012

26/7/12 Quote #4


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” 
 What I think it means:

The world is constantly changing their minds or discovering something new. You may see things you like that other people are doing, but it doesnt mean you are changing yourself. But if you think yourself is not good enough and change your labeled a "Copy". It may be the worlds fault but its also yours. So if you be yourself and not change a thing about yourself, thats one of the greatest acheviments out there.

- Bex

Thursday 19 July 2012

19/7/12 Dodgeball.

Since its the start of Term 3, another interclass sport is starting up. We are going to be doing dodgeball. We start today, Thursday the 19th of July. At lunch times two classes have the opportunity to play against each other, trying to dominate and overtake the other classes on the interclass point table. Kakapo is leading at the moment but with the other syndicates not to far behind there might be some tough competition.